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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Isaiah58-66, agreeing with God: sin is sin 59.9-15a victorious Messiah 59.15b-21, intercession 63.15-19 confession & appeal 64.1-12, creation renewed 65.13-25 YHWH's judgment & righteous reign 66, Messiah's transformational leadership 61.1-63.6 Messiah Song I 61.1-9, Messiah's transformational leadership 61.1-63.6 Prayer of the reminder 63.7-64.12, reminds God of his hesed 63.7-14 intercession 63.15-19, Messiah's transformational leadership 61.1-63.6 Messiah Song II 61.10-62.12, rebel Israel disciplined; righteous remnant preserved 65.2-12 creation renewed 65.13-25, Prayer of the reminder 63.7-64.12 Climax of history 65-66, Messages of indictment, correction & renewal 58-59 Abraham's blessing & the New Jerusalem 60, Book 7 Messages of the end of history chs 58-66 Masterpiece of God's glory & grace chs 40-66, Messages of indictment, correction & renewal 58-59 active but empty religion rebuked 58.1-14, Abraham's blessing & the New Jerusalem 60 Messiah's transformational leadership 61.1-63.6, Messiah's transformational leadership 61.1-63.6 Messiah Song III 63.1-6, Abraham's blessing & the New Jerusalem 60 Zion's Light draws the nations, Climax of history 65-66 YHWH's global mission 65.1, sin results in alienation 59.1-8 agreeing with God: sin is sin 59.9-15a, Book 7 Messages of the end of history chs 58-66 Messages of indictment, correction & renewal 58-59, YHWH's global mission 65.1 rebel Israel disciplined; righteous remnant preserved 65.2-12, Prayer of the reminder 63.7-64.12 reminds God of his hesed 63.7-14